Playing With Purpose: Summer Break

Summer break is quickly approaching. That means time for fun in the sun, family vacations, and plenty of Playing With Purpose! Perhaps your child receives speech therapy during the school year and you are looking for support to maintain their skills. Or maybe you want...

Pointing Things Out

Did you know that pointing at objects or people marks a huge milestone in a child’s development? It’s much more than one of those cute things they do. Babies begin to point between 7 to 15 months of age. First, a baby will point using their whole hand....

Playing With Purpose: Bubble Blowing

The blistering heat of summer is upon us in Austin, TX, leaving some of us stuck inside, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find some creative ways to have fun! Bubble blowing is a fun indoor or outdoor activity, and children of all ages love blowing bubbles. Bubbles are...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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