Playing With Purpose
Did you know that you have one of the keys to helping your child’s speech develop already in your home? That’s right! The toys your child has, hold the potential to help their speech and language skills grow and develop.
Through the Playing With Purpose work, Emily helps show parents and caregivers how they can take playtime and make it not only fun but beneficial.
She helps show parents simple, small tweaks that they can integrate into their everyday play with the toys that their children already love and enjoy.
The magic of Playing With Purpose is that we show you how to make small changes in the vocabulary you use and give you easy to implement strategies that help boost speech and language skills.
Playing With Purpose is a wonderful approach to follow for anyone who interacts or works with children on a daily basis. It’s designed for caregivers, teachers, speech-language pathologists, and parents that want to help children grow an improve their communication and play skills.
At Tandem Speech Therapy, we developed our signature Playing With Purpose blog series to help you find the magic in daily play.
Due to the popularity of the Playing With Purpose blog, we developed it into an easy to read book that you can have on hand in your home or office.
In addition to the book, and due to popular demand, we also launched our Playing With Purpose Coaching where Emily will provide you with your own, unique Playing With Purpose plan so that you can get the most speech and language development out of play time.
Lastly, because there is nothing that Emily loves more than working in ‘TANDEM’ with children to help their language skills improve, she offers comprehensive 1-1 therapy. Learn more about the speech therapy services Tandem Speech Therapy offers.

Playing with Purpose Blog Series
In my Playing With Purpose blog series, I explore how to convert play and everyday routines into activities that are both fun and beneficial for children. Play can create moments of learning for your child and moments of connection together. With little tweaks to your interaction and the everyday routines you are already engaging in, you can increase opportunities for speech and language development in your child. The best part is it’s not a lot of extra work! As part of Playing With Purpose, I give you specific strategies to increase opportunities for speech and language development.

Playing with Purpose Coaching
Some of our favorite and most popular Playing with Purpose Blog Posts
Playing With Purpose in the Garden
The garden is a wonderful place to watch your child’s speech and language skills bloom. Help their communication garden grow by Playing With Purpose.
Playing With Purpose: Yoga
Earlier this week, I was on a walk with my dog through a nearby park which is also part of a school playground. It was the afternoon, and the kids were playing outside as part of their after-school program. I immediately noticed a small group of children and their...
Using Tangible Toys for Telepractice Speech Therapy
Using your tangible toys is a fun and engaging way to target many goals during telepractice speech therapy sessions. Get started Playing With Purpose today!
Using Surprise Eggs for Telepractice Speech Therapy
Surprise eggs are a fun and engaging way to target many goals during telepractice speech therapy sessions. Get started Playing With Purpose today!
Playing With Purpose: YOUR Daily Routines
Do you have daily routines to complete AND you want to build-up your child’s language skills? Download our handout to get started today.
Spring Break Play Activities
If you’re planning a staycation for your family over spring break and looking for some awesome indoor activities that will surely boost your children’s language skills, then look no further.
Best Games for Speech & Language Development
No matter what you use, board games and card games are great tools for facilitating the development of speech and language skills. They support kids in building turn-taking, eye contact, MLU, vocabulary, following directions and so much more.
Playing With Purpose: a Dollhouse
A dollhouse is a perfect choice of toy–ripe with opportunities for creativity to blossom and speech and language skills to grow.
The Journey of Self-Publishing a Book
I am an author. Those are four words I never thought I would utter! And yet, here we are. I am an author. I have written and self-published my first book. Becoming an author was not on my to-do list or even a blip on the radar. I don’t fancy myself a writer, so how did I come to have written a book?
Toys to Promote Speech & Language Development
Children spend most of their time in play which helps them understand their environment and interact with people. Nothing beats toys that children can hold and share with others. Thinking of toys to buy for your children or the ones you work with? Check out these toys that are easily available in stores near you and also great for promoting speech and language development.
Start Playing With Purpose
Learn how to purposefully and intentionally interact with your child during play and help them increase opportunities for speech and language development with our Playing with Purpose book!