Why you should “Wait”

Are you reading the title to this post and feeling confused? Well, that’s ok because you’re right to be a bit confused. I have shared how important early intervention is with you and why taking a “wait and see” attitude may not be the best path...

Thankful (A Book Preview)

It’s been quite a while since my last blog post, but with good reason. If you have not already heard, I published a book! Like my popular blog series, the book is called Playing With Purpose. This book is the perfect resource for fellow SLPs, parents/caregivers,...


Communication begins with social interaction. So learning to play social games, such as peek-a-boo, is an excellent opportunity to support your child in learning to communicate. Not only are we targeting an early phase of social interaction and engagement, but...

Playing With Purpose: Everyday Items

When I started this series, Playing With Purpose, my goal was to help parents, caregivers, educators, fellow SLPs, etc. make simple tweaks to their play interactions with children to expand speech and language skills. I have written about some of my favorite toys like...

Hello, I'm Emily!

Want to stay up-to-date on all my news and resources like the Playing With Purpose book?

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