Using a Multi-Sensory Box in Speech Therapy

As a busy speech-language pathologist, I am always looking for time-saving resources for myself and the families I support. Honestly, there is nothing better than pre-made, high-quality activities that will keep my clients engaged and support their speech and language...

All About Equine Therapy

This week I am excited to welcome Kate G. Naylor, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as a Certified Clinician and Equine Professional in Trauma-Focused Equine, Assisted Psychotherapy, as a guest blogger for Tandem Speech Therapy. Kate conducts...

Thankful (A Book Preview)

It’s been quite a while since my last blog post, but with good reason. If you have not already heard, I published a book! Like my popular blog series, the book is called Playing With Purpose. This book is the perfect resource for fellow SLPs, parents/caregivers,...

Hello, I'm Emily!

Want to stay up-to-date on all my news and resources like the Playing With Purpose book?

speech therapy for kids - speech therapy austin