Speech Development & Screen Time

In many workshops I have given recently, the topic of screen time has come up. We live in an ever-growing, technological world and society. We cannot escape screen time. But, what impact does it have on our children? Before we delve into the research, it’s...

She Said, He Said: Let’s Talk About Pronouns

We have all had a child or student say something such as, “me want to play” or “her did it.” At some ages, that can be appropriate and even cute, but at the age of 4 or 5, that’s not the case. I have been working on use of pronouns a lot...

Using a Multi-Sensory Box in Speech Therapy

As a busy speech-language pathologist, I am always looking for time-saving resources for myself and the families I support. Honestly, there is nothing better than pre-made, high-quality activities that will keep my clients engaged and support their speech and language...

5 Tips When Choosing Toys

If your child has dragged you down the toy aisles at Target recently, then you know how complicated choosing toys can be. You were bombarded by toys with sounds, lights, music, buttons, and the dreaded screen. When you purchase these types of toys, the toy does all...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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