Playing With Purpose: Everyday Items

When I started this series, Playing With Purpose, my goal was to help parents, caregivers, educators, fellow SLPs, etc. make simple tweaks to their play interactions with children to expand speech and language skills. I have written about some of my favorite toys like...

Playing With Purpose: Water Play

Spring has sprung here in Austin, TX which means many opportunities to play and explore outside with my clients. A favorite activity of ours is water play. I love water play for its simplicity, the ease of getting started, and the fact that it’s very engaging...

PWP Using a Ball

You can use anything around you to stimulate and boost a child’s speech and language skills. Sometimes the simplest, like a ball, is the most beloved. That is the basis for Playing With Purpose. I help you look at what you have and explore how you can adapt it...

Playing With Purpose: Candy Land

I use games all the time during my individual speech therapy sessions. They are a fantastic tool for speech, language, and social skill development in young children. Candy Land is a particular favorite of mine. I don’t have a great memory, but I do remember the...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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