Pointing Things Out

Did you know that pointing at objects or people marks a huge milestone in a child’s development? It’s much more than one of those cute things they do. Babies begin to point between 7 to 15 months of age. First, a baby will point using their whole hand....

Learning Language Through Play

Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the work of the child.” From a young age, play is your child’s occupation. It is how children interact in and with their environment, discover their interests, and acquire and grow cognitive, motor, and...

You Are the Key to Your Child’s Success

In August 2008, I got my first job as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. Previously, I had been a special education teacher for three years and was looking to specialize and further my education. I worked at the Beaumont Center for Childhood Speech and Language...

The Importance of Vocabulary

The power of words is difficult to quantify and qualify. They have changed and will continue to alter the course of history. We see that on an almost daily basis in the media alone. I think one of the greatest tools we can provide to children is a large, rich...

It’s OK to Ask for Help

It’s ok to ask for help! No one expects you to know everything or even what you should do when you are concerned about your child’s speech and language skills. I hear from parents all the time that are unsure of developmental milestones or who to talk with...

Q and A: Raising a Bilingual Child

Having moved to Texas in late 2009, I am exposed to Spanish a fair amount. And since having met my husband I am exposed to it even more. He was born in Mexico and almost exclusively speaks to his parents in Spanish. He credits his wide vocabulary and language skills...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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