Gifts for Baby

Our babies need interaction with people to learn language. So you are the most valuable gift regarding your baby’s speech and language development. During that first year, we want to expose babies to multi-sensory experiences to encourage cognitive and...

The Path to First Words

The first year of your baby’s life is a flurry of excitement and many firsts, often culminating with their first word and first steps around the first birthday. In this first year of life, your baby will develop many milestones that will be the building blocks...

Playing With Purpose: Stacking Cups

My passion lies in helping families during the early intervention years. Early childhood (i.e., birth to 3-years-old) is an incredible time for brain development. In fact, learning and development are most rapid during a child’s first years. And these early years set...


Communication begins with social interaction. So learning to play social games, such as peek-a-boo, is an excellent opportunity to support your child in learning to communicate. Not only are we targeting an early phase of social interaction and engagement, but...

Hello, I'm Emily!

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